Wednesday, October 29, 2008

PBS Documentaries: Japan's About-Face

Only aired less then half a year ago, Japan's About-Face is an agressively titled documentary about the current shift in Japan's Self-Defense Force, the Military that cannot be called a Military (as one of the speakers in the show puts it.) PBS has the entire program, including additional material, online on the companion website here.

A rather well done program in the general, it's worth noting that when talking about Japan's miltary in WWII and following up on the results, they mention rather obliquely that (paraphrasing) "by the end of the war, Tokyo was burned to the ground" without mentioning that this was due to American firebombings of Tokyo, leaving a free association between the burning of Tokyo and the Japanese military as connected events in a way that is not exactly the actual connection--a sort of cause-effect that is slightly different then the actual sort of potential cause-effect argument they could attempt here. I need to view this again to more properly start analyzing the sort of argument that is made here, though there is also an emphasis ont he contradiction of the SDF, what they do, the constitution, and how politics are trying to get around the constitution without actively changing Article 9. There's also some interesting interviews with peace activists marching in reaction to the proposal of removing Art 9.

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